For the tiers I used this set of circle cookie cutters. I also used these doilies to place the cakes on and the tiny lollipop sticks to hold the cake together. The doilies are kind of not my style, but they were the only thing I could find to place them on at the time. The fudge stuck together on its own.
I used a recipe from Martha Stewart online for the fudge cakes. First I prepared the pan. Just line a cookie sheet with some wax paper and spray with non stick cooking spray.
Then melt Mini Marshmallows, sugar, and other stuff that the recipe calls for, in a saucepan. Bring to a boil then add the chocolate.
Pour into the cookie sheet to let it set. I waited 4 hours at room temperature.
Once set, I flipped the pan and it came right out with the help of the wax paper.
I used three round cookie cutters to cut my tiers out.
Once cut I rolled the sides in coarse sugar, like Sugar In The Raw.
I placed on a doilie and sprinkled a bit more sugar to make it fancy-like. The tiers stuck together on their own since it was a little soft still.
All done with these!
Now for the carmel covered yellow cakes. I like the yellow cake recipe from the book Cupcakes by Elinor Kilvans. There are many good recipes in this book.
Just wanted to add a picture of my sous chef. I would like a bigger one too... Can we say "Christmas Wish List"?
And I also wanted to add that while I was baking, Andrew was doing this...
Without him I would never get any baking done! And there is nothing sexier than my man changing my baby's diaper without being asked... I mean come on! So great.
So back to the cake batter... Cream the sugar and eggs until fluffy and a cream color. Add sour cream, oil, and vanilla until well blended. No butter in this one... yet.
Gradually add the flour, salt, and baking powder until blended. Pour into baking sheet. I lined it with wax paper to make sure everything comes out. Bake at 350 until done. I think mine took 7ish minutes. My oven is extra hot.
Once the cake was done baking, I let it cool completely then used the two biggest circles I had to make the tiers. I put a lollipop stick in the middle to hold the tiers together. I decided not to do the top one because it was too tiny to put on a stick.
Here they are awaiting their carmel bath!
I used these ingredients to make the carmel sauce and put wax paper under the cooling rack so the extra carmel can drip off.
Boil everything in the pot to 324 degrees F and bubbly, then...
whisk in sour cream and vanilla.
Ready to dip!
Dive in head top tier first...
the place on cooling rack over wax paper to drip excess.
So delicious. Quickly becoming my favorite recipe. I made them before in tiny cupcake form and they were amazing and bite size. Very dangerous.